We Do, What We Do
Our organization was created out of a need...a need that none of us knew existed; well that's actually not completely true. We each felt the absence of certain voices being heard in the multimedia industry, but didn't realize the other felt that too. But gradually, as we began being invited to more and more shows throughout the years, the audience made it loud and clear to us that we were needed, wanted and accepted. Our audiences at first where those who didn't have access to the larger shows such as the New York Comic Con or San Diego Comic Con International. They just couldn't afford to go to them. So we brought the 'Con' experience to them. Giving aspiring artists, creators, film makers, writers and people who were simply fans of the medium full access to Transmedia/Multimedia Professionals that they may not ordinarily would have been able to talk to. Their appreciation didn't go unnoticed. After panel discussions attendees would flood our tables; with questions, portfolios, children pulling their parents over and visa versa. The most popular question, at least for me, still is 'Can you wait here until I bring my daughter over? She wants to become an artist but thought no one that looked like her was into comics.'

It always strikes me how the communities we speak to seem hungry; hungry for art and culture, hungry for knowledge that they thought they could never gain, hungry for images that reflect them, and hungry to see people working in an industry that they love, so it can validate their interest in that said industry. It strikes me because this shouldn't be a stolen moment or a rare occurrence; this should be normal. In order create a new normal in the Transmedia/Multimedia industry, we travel far and wide to bring our discussions to both communities that don't ordinarily get that extra attention, and to the larger shows that have only just recently began talking about gender and diversity within the comic book industry. They both matter for different reasons; the smaller shows and the communities they serve need to see that they count and that their children can make a viable living in the artistic community. The larger shows need to reflect accurate representation of the fandom and industry professionals alike. Strides are being made, but there is always more to do. So in the mean time we will continue doing what we do; partnering with libraries, bookstores, galleries and schools across the country; hosting free comic book workshops, panel discussions and events to all neighborhoods and their communities. Check out our events page, we are always adding new shows to it and we may be coming to a city near you!